

/pɔɪnt/📚 605 244 5四级六级考研雅思中考高考
You use point to refer to something that someone has said or written. 看法

noun [抽象名词]观点,见解;具体细节;要点,核心问题;目的,意图;特点,特征;地点;罗盘(方位)点;(几何学用语)点;(特定的)时候,时刻,阶段;(比赛或运动中的)分数,得分;<非正式>称赞,认可(points);(计量单位)点,分;(电影、录音的)利润分配百分比;(皮克牌用语)最长的一组同花牌;小数点

If you say that someone has a point, or if you take their point, you mean that you accept that what they have said is important and should be considered.

verb [vi. 不及物动词](用手指或细的物体)指,指向;对准,瞄准;朝向,对着;为…指明方向,指路;暗示,表明;建议,指引;强调(话语或行动);(用水泥等)给…勾缝;绷直(脚趾);削尖;使(光标)指着;(在希伯来文字中)插入点号

If you point at a person or thing, you hold out your finger toward them in order to make someone notice them. (
用手指) 指向

point 出现在下面的课文中
Lesson 43 Over the South Pole point 名词: 地点
Lesson 56 Our neighbour,the river
Lesson 57 Back in the old country
Lesson 7 Bats
Lesson 14 The Butterfly Effect
Lesson 24 Beauty


  • point 点,一般指从飞机上向下看的点
  • 地点 place,spot
  • ha85.com 中的 “.” 读为 dot(点)
  •  @读为 at