

/pʊʃ/📚 5559 172 4中考高考
When you push something, you use force to make it move away from you or away from its previous position.

verb [vt. 及物动词]推,按;(尤指用力或努力)移动身体(或身体的一部分);挤,推搡;敦促,强迫;努力争取,力劝;(军队)挺进,奋力前行;<非正式>推销,推广;贩卖(毒品);坚持不懈地做;推进,推行;推动,促使(达到某程度或状态);再三强调;超越(极限);把(数据)移至栈的顶部;对(底片)作增感处理

The woman pushed back her chair and stood up.

noun [具体名词]推 ;尝试,努力;鼓励,强迫;(军队的)挺进,猛攻 ;毅力,进取心;<非正式>棘手的事(a push);按(机器或其他装置的部件)

He gave me a sharp push.

push 出现在下面的课文中
Lesson 65 Jumbo versus the police
Lesson 94 Future champions
Lesson 10 Silicon valley
Lesson 18 Porpoises
Episode 4 A Piece of Cake ACT II
这扇门可以推(push), 也可以拉(pull)
They pushed him into the car. 他们把他推进了汽车。
a pregnant woman pushing a stroller 一位推着婴儿车的孕妇。
Dix pushed forward carrying a glass. 迪克斯拿着一个玻璃杯往前挤。
Don't push me to decide. 别逼我做决定。
One detachment pushed into the eastern suburbs toward the airfield. 一支小分队挺进了东郊往机场去。
All that was needed was one final push, and the enemy would be vanquished once and for all. 只需要最后一次挺进,敌军就将被彻底击败。
Any shortage could push up grain prices. 任何短缺都会推动粮价上涨。
The government had done everything it could to push down inflation. 政府已经竭尽全力遏制通货膨胀。