Lesson 24 A skeleton in the cupboard 【单词列表】

skeleton [ˈskelitən] n. 骷髅

seemingly [ˈsiːmiŋli] adv. 表面上地

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A: There is seemingly nothing we can do to stop the plan going ahead.

B: But we should have a try.



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respectable [riˈspektəbəl] adj. 体面的,雅观的


【扩】honorable 体面的

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A: He wishes to straighten up and lead a respectable life.

B: If so, I would like to give him a hand.



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conceal [kənˈsiːl] v. 隐藏,隐瞒

【扩】bamboozle 欺骗,蒙蔽

【搭】conceal sth. from sb. 瞒着某人  conceal sth. to sb. 不对某人说

【例】He conceal his debts from his wife.


vivid [ˈvivid] adj. 生动的

dramatic [drəˈmætik] adj. 令人激动的,扣人心弦的

ruin [ˈru(ː)in] v. 毁坏

heroine [ˈherəuin] n. 女主人公

【扩】hero 男主人公

【例】Who plays the part of heroine in the movie?


fiction [fikʃən] n. 小说

【派】fictional 虚构的

【扩】novel 小说

【搭】science fiction 科幻小说  romantic fiction 爱情小说

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A: What is your hobby?

B: I like reading science fiction.



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medicine [ˈmedisin] n. 医学

guestroom [ˈɡest-rum] n. (家庭中的)客房


【扩】spare room 客房

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A: I think I can't catch the last bus.

B: You can stay here tonight. There is a bed in the guestroom.



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unpack [ʌnˈpæk] v. (从箱中)取出

【扩】take out 取出

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A: Have you unpacked your suitcase?

B: No, I can't remember the password.



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stack [stæk] v. (整齐地)堆放,排放;n. 堆

【扩】pile 堆积

【例】They are specially packaged so that they stack easily.


underclothes [ˈʌndəkləuðz] n. 内衣


【扩】underwear 内衣  underdress 内衣

【搭】thermal underclothes 保暖内衣

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A: Do you sell underclothes here?

B: Yes, please come with me. I'll show you them.



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drawer [drɔː(r)] n. 抽屉

【扩】till (放钱的)抽屉

【搭】bottom drawer 嫁妆

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A: Where can we have our laundry done?

B: There's a bag in the drawer. Just put your laundry in it.



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petrify [ˈpetrifai] v. 使惊呆

dangle [ˈdæŋɡəl] v. 悬挂

【搭】dangle after 追求某人

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A: Don't dangle the lights before me. It will do harm to my eyes.

B: Don't be angry. It's just a joke.



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sway [swei] v. 摇摆

unsympathetic [ˈʌnˌsimpəˈθetik] adj. 不表同情的,无动于衷的

【例】Karl was unsympathetic after hearing the story.


medical [ˈmedikəl] adj. 医学的


/ˈskelɪt(ə)n/n. 骷髅
Your skeleton is the framework of bones in your body. 骨骼

noun [具体名词]骨骼,骨架;梗概,提纲;骨瘦如柴的人(或动物);(建筑物、桥梁等的)框架,骨架;(维持运转所需的)最少人员,基干人员;钢架雪车 - The skeleton of something such as a building or a plan is its basic framework. (

adjective [原级](员工)最基本的,基干的 - A skeleton staff is the smallest number of staff necessary in order to run an organization or service.


/ˈsiːmɪŋli/adv. 表面上地
If something is seemingly the case, you mean that it appears to be the case, even though it may not really be so. 好似; 看上去

adverb [方式副词]貌似,看似(但可能并非如此);似乎,好像(是事实)、表面上(on the surface) - You use seemingly when you want to say that something seems to be true.

seeminglyRunning a mile under 4 minutes was a seemingly impossible task.
on the surfaceMike was very pleasant on the surface, but he had a nasty temper.
seem / appear to doRunning a mile under 4 minutes seemed / appeared to be an impossible task.
Mike seemed / appeared to be very pleasant, but he had a nasty temper.
It seem / appear that ..It seemed / appeared that running a mile under 4 minutes was an impossible task.
It seemed / appeared that Mike was very pleasant,but he had a nasty temper.


/rɪˈspektəbl/adj. 体面的,雅观的
Someone or something that is respectable is approved of by society and considered to be morally correct. 体面的

adjective [原级]值得尊敬的,体面的;相当好的,不错的;有一定价值的,相当重要的 - You can say that something is respectable when you mean that it is good enough or acceptable.

noun [抽象名词]体面 - If she divorced Tony, she would lose the respectability she had as Mrs. Tony Tatterton.

  • a respectable citizen
  • a respectable family
过犹不及He is a bit too respectable for my taste.


/kənˈsiːl/v. 隐藏,隐瞒
If you conceal something, you cover it or hide it carefully. 掩盖; 隐藏

verb [vt. 及物动词]隐匿,隐藏;隐瞒(真实感情或真相);遮盖,遮住 - If you conceal a piece of information or a feeling, you do not let other people know about it.


/ˈvɪvɪd/adj. 生动的
If you describe memories and descriptions as vivid, you mean that they are very clear and detailed. (记忆和描写) 清晰的; 生动逼真的

adjective [原级]生动的,逼真的;(颜色)鲜艳的,明亮的;(人的想像)丰富的 - Something that is vivid is very bright in colour. (


/drəˈmætɪk/adj. 令人激动的,扣人心 弦的
A dramatic change or event happens suddenly and is very noticeable and surprising. 突然引人注目的

adjective [原级]巨大而突然的,急剧的;激动人心的,引人注目的,给人深刻印象的;有关戏剧的,戏剧表演的;夸张的 - A dramatic action, event, or situation is exciting and impressive.

ruin *

/ˈruːɪn/v. 毁坏
to damage sth so badly that it loses all its value, pleasure, etc.; to spoil sth 毁坏;破坏;糟蹋

noun [抽象名词]毁坏,毁灭;破产,身败名裂;祸根; 残垣断壁,废墟;残存部分(ruins) - We visited the ruins of a Norman castle.

verb [vi. 不及物动词]毁坏,破坏;使(建筑物,地方)破败,使成为废墟;使倾家荡产,使破产;<文> 头朝下跌落,哗啦一声掉下 - His enemies are determined to ruin him.


🇬🇧/ˈherəʊɪn/ 🇺🇸/ˈheroʊɪn/n. 女主人公
The heroine of a book, play, film, or story is the main female character, who usually has good qualities. 女主人公

noun [专属名词]女英雄;女主角,女主人公;女偶像;(神话和传说中的)女超人 - A heroine is a woman who has done something brave, new, or good, and who is therefore greatly admired by a lot of people.

fiction *

/ˈfɪkʃ(ə)n/n. 小说
Fiction refers to books and stories about imaginary people and events, rather than books about real people or events. 小说

noun [集合/集体]小说;虚构的事,谎言;杜撰,编造 - A statement or account that is fiction is not true.


🇬🇧/ˈveəriɪŋ/ 🇺🇸/ˈværiɪŋ/adj. 不同的
If things vary, they are different from each other in size, amount, or degree. 各不相同

verb [vt. 及物动词](大小、形状等)相异;(根据情况)变化;(使)多样化;偏离;(成比例)变化;变异(vary 的现在分词) - If something varies or if you vary it, it becomes different or changed.

adjective [原级]不同的;易变的 - New techniques were introduced with varying degrees of success.


🇬🇧/ˈmedsn/ 🇺🇸/ˈmedɪs(ə)n/n. 医学
Medicine is the treatment of illness and injuries by doctors and nurses. 医疗

noun [物质名词]药物,药剂;医疗,医学;内科;(北美印第安人等民族所信奉的具有治疗或保护效力的)咒语,魔法 - Medicine is a substance that you drink or swallow in order to cure an illness.

verb [vi. 不及物动词]用药物治疗,给…用药 - Research into LSD is not confined to medicine.


/ˈɡestruːm/n. (家庭中的)来客住房
A guest room is a bedroom in a house or hotel for visitors or guests to sleep in.

noun [具体名词](家庭中的)来客住房 - Living room divides into tearoom and guestroom.


/ˌʌnˈpæk/v. (从箱中)取岀
When you unpack a suitcase, box, or similar container, or you unpack the things inside it, you take the things out of the container. 打开(箱子或盒子) 取出

verb [vt. 及物动词]打开包裹;分析;卸下…;解除…的负担 - He unpacked his bag.


/stæk/v. (整齐地)堆放,排放
A stack of things is a pile of them. 摞; 堆

noun [集合/集体](整齐的)一堆;<英> 垛,堆;大量,许多;(尤指工厂的)大烟囱;(图书馆的)藏书架,双面书架(the stacks);定高分层盘旋(等待降落)的机群;(计算机)(存储)栈;竖着置放的高保真音响(或吉他扩音)设备;(数支步枪支起的锥形)枪架;<英>(浪蚀)岩柱 - If you say that someone has stacks of something, you mean that they have a lot of it.

verb [vt. 及物动词]使成整齐的一堆;使成叠(或成摞、成堆)地放在…...;指令(待着陆飞机)作定高分层盘旋;洗牌时作弊;在(某组织机构中)安插(对自己有利的人员);(滑雪板运动用语)跌倒,倒下 - If you stack a number of things, you arrange them in neat piles.


🇬🇧/ˈʌndəkləʊðz/ 🇺🇸/ˈʌndərkloʊðz/n. 内衣
Your underclothes are the items of clothing that you wear next to your skin and under your other clothes. 贴身衣物

noun [专属名词]内衣,贴身衣物 - ...from multi-patterned sweaters to attractive underclothes.  ...

verb [vt. 及物动词]给…穿内衣;为…提供内衣(underclothe 的第三人称单数) - She was dressed only in pale linen underclothes.


🇬🇧/drɔː(r)/ 🇺🇸/drɔːr/n. 抽屉
A drawer is part of a desk, chest, or other piece of furniture that is shaped like a box and is designed for putting things in. You pull it toward you to open it. 抽屉

noun [专属名词]抽屉;<旧>衬裤,内裤;制图员;开票人;起草者 - She opened her desk drawer and took out the manual.

petrify *

/ˈpetrɪfaɪ/v. 使惊呆
If something petrifies you, it makes you feel very frightened. 使非常害怕

verb [vi. 不及物动词]石化;惊呆 - I found the climb absolutely petrifying.

verb [vt. 及物动词]使…石化;使…惊呆 - Prison petrifies me and I don't want to go there.


/ˈdæŋɡ(ə)l/v. 悬挂
If something dangles from somewhere or if you dangle it somewhere, it hangs or swings loosely. 悬挂; 悬摆

verb [vi. 不及物动词](使)悬垂,(使)悬荡;用(诱惑物)来诱惑(或激励)某人 - If something dangles from somewhere or if you dangle it somewhere, it hangs or swings loosely.


/sweɪ/v. 摇摆
When people or things sway, they lean or swing slowly from one side to the other. 摇摆

verb [vt. 及物动词]摇摆,摇晃,摆动;影响(某人),使改变看法;<文> 统治,管理;(使)摇摆,摇动 - If you are swayed by someone or something, you are influenced by them.

noun [抽象名词]统治,势力,支配,控制,影响;摇摆,摆动;统治,影响 - Rebel forces hold sway over much of the island.


/ˌʌnˌsɪmpəˈθetɪk/adj. 不表同情的,无动于衷的
If someone is unsympathetic, they are not kind or helpful to a person in difficulties. 无同情心的

adjective [原级]不表同情的;不同情的 - An unsympathetic person is unpleasant and difficult to like.


/ˈmedɪk(ə)l/adj. 医学的
Medical means relating to illness and injuries and to their treatment or prevention. 医学的; 医疗的

adjective [原级]医学的,医疗的;内科的 - Several police officers received medical treatment for cuts and bruises.

noun [抽象名词]体格检查,健康检查 - A medical is a thorough examination of your body by a doctor, for example before you start a new job.