
/ˌruːɪˈneɪʃn/ 53
The ruination of someone or something is the act of ruining them or the process of being ruined. 毁灭

noun [抽象名词]毁灭;祸根

Money was the ruination of him.


-tion ⌜ 表示某种行为、状态或结果 - indicating an action, process, or result ~ ⌟
Urban development has led to the ruination of vast areas of countryside. 城市发展导致大片的乡村遭到毁坏。
Overwork is the ruination of his health. 过度劳累搞垮了他的身体。
The clerics have brought ruination on our people. 这些牧师给我们带来了灭亡。
Hands are the ruination of many portraits. 手是许多人像的败笔之处.
Late frosts are ruination for the garden. 晚霜能冻死园中的植物.
Drink will be his ruination. 他会因爱喝酒而身败名裂.
You will be the ruination of me! 你早晚得把我毁了!
The olive is spoken of as the ruination of martini. 有人认为橄榄会使马丁尼酒走味.