
🇬🇧/ˈɒnə(r)/ 🇺🇸/ˈɑːnər/ 175
Honour means doing what you believe to be right and being confident that you have done what is right. 道义; 气节

noun [抽象名词]尊敬;荣幸;高尚品德,气节;荣誉;奖励,荣誉称号;大学荣誉学位课程;优异成绩;法官大人,(美国)市长阁下;<旧>贞操;最大点数的牌

The officers died faithful to the honour of a soldier.

verb [vt. 及物动词]尊敬;表彰;信守,执行(承诺);兑现(支票)

Diego Maradona was honoured with an award presented by Argentina's football association.

honour 出现在下面的课文中
Lesson 85 Never too old to learn honour 名词: 敬意
Lesson 65 Jumbo versus the police


  • guard of honour 仪仗队

in honour of sb. = in one's honour 为纪念某人,对某人表示尊重

  • We will give him a party in his honour.
  • We will give him a dinner in his honour.

It's my honour to do sth. 做某件事情是我的荣幸

  • It's my honour. 是我的荣幸
  • It's my honour to talk with you.

I'm honoured to do sth. 我感到荣幸

  • I'm honoured to talk with you.
  • I'm honoured to stand here and give you lessons.
  • I'm honoured to be your teacher.