/weɪv/VCE📚 2641 252 4四级六级考研雅思高考verb [vi. 不及物动词]挥手;挥手示意;挥舞,挥动;飘扬,摆动,摇晃;使(头发)略呈波形;(威胁地)举起(某物)
Jessica caught sight of Lois and waved to her.
noun [可数名词]海浪;大海(the waves);(活动、行为的)爆发,浪潮;涌现的人(或物);挥手;波,波状运动;(头发的)卷曲;波浪形;(地震、爆炸的)冲击波;人浪(the wave)
Steve stopped him with a wave of the hand.
- 网友用“Wave”造句精选
- He grinned, waved, and said, "Hi!" 他咧嘴笑笑,挥挥手,说道:“嗨!”
- Leshka waved him away with a show of irritation. 廖什卡生气地挥手示意他离开。
- He waited for a policeman to stop the traffic and wave the people on. 他等着一位警察来让车辆停下,挥手让众人前行。
- Hospital staff were outside to welcome him, waving flags and applauding. 医院工作人员在院外迎接他,一边挥舞旗帜一边鼓掌。
- grass and flowers waving in the wind 随风摆动的花草。
- the sound of the waves breaking on the shore 波浪拍打海岸的声响。
- Her blue eyes shone and caught the light, and so did the platinum waves in her hair. 她蓝色的眼睛闪闪发光,白金色的波浪发卷也闪闪发光。
- The shock waves of the earthquake were felt in Teheran. 在德黑兰感觉到了地震的震波。
- 波浪:指海洋或其他水体中的波浪形态。
- 挥手:指用手臂做出挥动的动作,以示问候或告别。
- 波动:指像波浪一样的运动或形状。
- 流行潮流:指某种事物在一段时间内大量受欢迎或广泛传播。
- 电磁波:指传播能量的电磁场震荡。
- 挥手:指用手臂做出挥动的动作。
- 摇曳:指像波浪一样摇摆或振动。
- 示意:指通过做出特定的手势或动作来传递信息。
- 泛起、涌现:指某种情感、声音或光线突然出现或变得更强烈。
- 波及:指影响到周围的人或事物。
I love watching the waves crashing against the shore. (我喜欢看浪涌向海岸的景象。)
She gave a friendly wave to her neighbor as she left for work. (她上班时向邻居友好地挥手告别。)
The crowd erupted into waves of applause. (人群爆发出一阵阵掌声。)
There is a new wave of fashion trends emerging this season. (本季度有一股新的时尚潮流正在兴起。)
The radio station broadcasts on the FM waveband. (这个广播电台在FM波段播出。)
He waved goodbye to his friends before boarding the train. (他上火车前向朋友们挥手告别。)
The flag waved in the wind. (旗帜在风中飘扬。)
The teacher waved her hand to get the students' attention. (老师挥手吸引学生的注意力。)
The scent of fresh flowers wafted and waved throughout the room. (新鲜花朵的香气弥漫并弯曲在整个房间里。)
The news of the accident sent shockwaves through the community. (事故的消息在社区引起震动。)
wave to sb. 向某人招手
"wave to sb."是指向某人挥手示意或打招呼。通常用于表示见到熟人或想要吸引某人的注意时。这个短语可以用来描述在远处或通过窗户、车窗等隔离物时进行的动作。
She waved to her friend across the street. (她向街对面的朋友挥手打招呼。)
I saw him at the airport, so I waved to get his attention. (我在机场看到他,于是我挥手引起他的注意。)
As the bus drove away, she waved to her family standing on the sidewalk. (公交车驶走时,她向站在人行道上的家人挥手告别。)
The little girl waved excitedly to her favorite singer on stage. (小女孩兴奋地向舞台上的偶像歌手挥手。)
Make waves: 引起骚动或引发争议。例如:"She is not afraid to make waves and speak up for what she believes in."(她不怕激起争议,为自己所信仰的事情大声疾呼。)
Ride the wave: 抓住机遇或顺应形势。例如:"He was able to ride the wave of success and launch his own business."(他能够抓住成功的机遇,创办自己的企业。)
Wave of emotion: 情感的涌动。例如:"She was overcome by a wave of emotion when she saw her long-lost friend."(当她看到失散多年的朋友时,被一股情感打动。)
Wave off: 挥手告别或取消。例如:"He waved off his friends as he boarded the plane."(他登机时向朋友们挥手告别。)
Wave down: 招手示意停下。例如:"I had to wave down a taxi because I was running late."(因为我迟到了,所以不得不招手示意停一辆出租车。)
Wave of change: 变革的浪潮。例如:"The country experienced a wave of change after the election."(选举后,这个国家经历了一股变革的浪潮。)
Wave goodbye: 挥手告别。例如:"She waved goodbye to her family as she left for college."(她上大学时向家人挥手告别。)
Make a waving gesture: 招手示意。例如:"I saw her across the street and made a waving gesture to get her attention."(我在街对面看到她,做了一个招手示意来引起她的注意。)