
/ˈɪmpʌls/📚 4749 177 2六级考研托福雅思
An impulse is a sudden desire to do something. 冲动

noun [抽象名词]冲动;脉冲;推动力

An impulse is a short electrical signal that is sent along a wire or nerve or through the air, usually as one of a series.

adjective [原级]一时兴起的,随兴的

An impulse buy or impulse purchase is something that you decide to buy when you see it, although you had not planned to buy it.

verb [vt. 及物动词]推动

They tend to act out of impulse.

im- 通常接“p、m”开始的形容词或动词表示否定、相反或缺乏某种特征的含义。impulse 冲动(im+pulse 跳动→冲动)
-puls- Pel,puls= drive, push, 表示“驱动,推”"impulse n. 冲动,刺激(im 内+pulse→内在推动→冲动)
impulse 出现在下面的课文中
Lesson 23 One man's meat is another man's poison impulse 名词: 冲动
Lesson 58 A spot of bother
im(使…) + puls(推) + e → 推动 → 冲动