/kraʊd/📚 4914 173 4四级六级考研托福高考A crowd is a large group of people who have gathered together, for example, to watch or listen to something interesting, or to protest about something. 人群
noun [集合/集体]人群;一伙人;百姓,凡夫俗子;(尤指体育运动赛事的)观众,听众
A particular crowd is a group of friends, or a set of people who share the same interests or job.
一帮 (朋友); 一群 (志趣相投的人)
verb [vt. 及物动词]聚集,群集;靠近,盯着;催促,催逼(因而把人激怒或惹恼);挤满,塞满
When people crowd around someone or something, they gather closely together around them.
聚集 • The hungry refugees crowded around the tractors. 饥饿的难民们围在拖拉机旁。
- crowd 出现在下面的课文中
- Lesson 069&70 The car race crowd 名词: 人群
- Lesson 9 A cold welcome crowd 名词: 人群
- Lesson 70 Red for danger
- Lesson 15 Fifty pence worth of trouble
- Lesson 39 What every writer wants
crow(乌鸦) + d → 像乌鸦一样成群的→群
n. 人群 |
vt./vi. 拥挤, 挤满、聚集 |