Lesson 96 The dead return 【单词列表】

festival [ˈfestivəl] n. 节日

【扩】feast 节日,盛宴

【搭】Spring Festival 春节  Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节

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A: What other traditional festivals have you got besides Christmas Day?

B: We have also got Thanksgiving Day, Halloween and so on.



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lantern [ˈlæntən] n. 灯笼

【搭】ice lantern 冰灯  paper lantern 纸灯笼

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A: Harbin has a name for ice lantern.

B: Yes, I have heard about it before.



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spectacle [ˈspektəkəl] n. 景观,壮观,场面

【搭】make a spectacle of oneself 出洋相

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A: Such a spectacle has seldom been seen these years.

B: Yes, we won't forget it in the next few years.





🇬🇧/ˈfestɪvl/ 🇺🇸/ˈfestəvəl/n. 节日
A festival is an organized series of events such as musical concerts or drama productions. 节

noun [专属名词]活动节期,纪念活动;节日,节庆 - Many towns hold their own summer festivals of music, theatre, and dance.

adjective [原级]节日的,喜庆的 - Shavuot is a two-day festival for Orthodox Jews.

  • traditional festival 传统节日:指在某个国家或地区,历史悠久、具有特定文化内涵和民俗习惯的节日。
  • Spring Festival 春节:中国农历新年的另一种称呼,是中国最重要的传统节日之一。
  • Dragon Boat Festival 端午节
  • celebrate a festival 庆祝节日:参加或举办庆祝某个特定节日的活动。


🇬🇧/ˈlæntən/ 🇺🇸/ˈlæntərn/n. 灯笼
A lantern is a lamp in a metal frame with glass sides and with a handle on top so you can carry it. 灯笼

noun [具体名词]灯笼,提灯;(灯塔上的)灯室;天窗 - The night lantern glowed softly in the darkness.


/ˈspektək(ə)l/n. 景象,壮观,场面
A spectacle is a strange or interesting sight. 奇观

noun [抽象名词]精彩的表演,壮观的场面;壮观的景象;不寻常的事,出人意料的情况;<正式>眼镜(spectacles) - It was a spectacle not to be missed.

drift *

/drɪft/v. 漂流
When something drifts somewhere, it is carried there by the movement of wind or water. 漂流

verb [vi. 不及物动词]飘移,漂流;任其自然地(或不知不觉地)进入(某种状态);流浪,漂泊;缓慢移动;传出;吹积 - We proceeded to drift on up the river.

noun [抽象名词]流动,趋势;吹积物,雪堆;主旨,大意;偏航;不作为,优柔寡断;丛生的植物;冰碛;水平巷道 - Why don't you let the nest drift as usual?

① vi. 漂流,漂移

  • Thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea.
  • The boat drifted gently across the water.

② vi. 漂泊,游荡

  • He has lost his job and just drifts in the city all day long.
  • He drifted from France to Italy.


/ɡaɪd/v. 带领
A guide is a book that gives you information or instructions to help you do or understand something. 指南

verb [vt. 及物动词]带领,引导(某人至某地);任向导;指导,影响;解释,阐明 - Our 10-page guide will help you to change your life for the better.

noun [具体名词]指南,手册;导游,向导;准则,指针;女童子军,女童子军成员 - He took the bewildered Elliott by the arm and guided him out.

① vt. 给……领路

  • The old man guided the explorers through the forest.
  • These lanterns will guide the dead on their return journey to the other world.

② vt.  指导(……的行动);影响(……的决策等)

  • We should be always guided by truth. 我们应该永远受真理的指导。
  • Don’t let your wife’s opinion guide your actions.