/mʌɡ/📚 16014 137 2四级六级考研A mug is a large, deep cup with straight sides and a handle, used for hot drinks. 圆筒形有柄大杯
noun [专属名词]大杯,马克杯;一大杯的容量;<非正式>(人的)脸;<英,非正式>傻瓜,笨蛋;<美,非正式>恶棍,暴徒
You can use mug to refer to the mug and its contents, or to the contents only.
一大杯; 一大杯...
verb [vt. 及物动词](公开)行凶抢劫,打劫;<美,非正式>(尤指在舞台上或摄影机前)扮鬼脸,扮怪相
If someone mugs you, they attack you in order to steal your money.
袭击并抢劫 • I was walking out to my car when this guy tried to mug me. 这家伙企图抢劫我的时候,我正向我的汽车走去。