/θrɪft/📚 10509 72 2考研托福Thrift is the quality and practice of being careful with money and not wasting things. 节俭
noun [抽象名词]节约,节俭;海石竹;<美>储蓄机构
They were rightly praised for their thrift and enterprise.
th+rift(裂缝, 裂口)→资金出现缺口, 要节俭了→节俭
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- Thrift has become the prevailing practice. 节约成风。
- You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. 不提倡勤俭节约就不会有繁盛。
- Oppose extravagant eating and drinking and pay attention to thrift and economy. 反对大吃大喝,注意节约。