
🇬🇧/ˈspiːkə(r)/ 🇺🇸/ˈspiːkər/📚 2558 192 3四级六级考研雅思中考高考
A speaker at a meeting, conference, or other gathering is a person who is making a speech or giving a talk. 演讲者; 发言者

noun [具体名词]发言者,演讲者;说话者;讲某种语言的人;扬声器,喇叭;(议会或立法机构的)议长(Speaker)

Among the speakers at the gathering was Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady.

speaker 出现在下面的课文中
Episode 18 Making a Difference ACT II
Bruce Wyatt will be the guest speaker at next month's meeting. 布鲁斯•怀亚特将是下月会议上的特邀发言人。
in the Ukraine, where a fifth of the population are Russian speakers 在有五分之一的人口说俄语的乌克兰。
the Speaker of the House 议院议长
From a simple gesture or the speaker's tone of voice, the Japanese listener gleans the whole meaning. 从一个简单的手势或说话者的声调这位日本听者捕捉到全部含义。
They rose to applaud the speaker. 他们起立向演讲者鼓掌。
The wire led to a speaker. 这电线连接着扬声器。
She listened to the speaker with rapt attention. 她全神贯注地听演讲者讲话。