
/skɪp/📚 4571 128 2六级考研托福雅思高考
If you skip along, you move almost as if you are dancing, with a series of little jumps from one foot to the other. 蹦跳; 蹦跳着走

verb [vi. 不及物动词]蹦蹦跳跳地走;跳绳;不做(应做的事等),不参加;跳过,略过;快速转移,骤然转换(话题);悄悄溜走,突然离开;打水漂;当(运动队的)领队

When someone skips, they jump up and down over a rope which they or two other people are holding at each end and turning around and around.
跳 (绳)

noun [具体名词]蹦跳;(计算机)跳跃(进位),跳行;<美,非正式>违约者,讨债者;<英> 废料桶;罐笼,箕斗,吊斗;(草地滚木球或冰壶运动队的)领队,队长

Skip is also a noun.
蹦跳 •  The boxer gave a little skip as he came out of his corner.  那位拳击手轻快地跳出了场角。

skip 出现在下面的课文中
Episode 23 The Community Center ACT I
Episode 24 Parting Friends ACT II