
🇬🇧/ˈnɒvɪs/ 🇺🇸/ˈnɑːvɪs/VCE📚 7704 94 2托福雅思
A novice is someone who has been doing a job or other activity for only a short time and so is not experienced at it. 新手

noun [专属名词]初学者,新手;见习修士,见习修女;尚未赢过大赛的赛马

I'm a novice at these things, Lieutenant. You're the professional.

noun [专属名词]【名】 (Novice)(法)诺维斯(人名)

In a monastery or convent, a novice is a person who is preparing to become a monk or nun.
见习修士; 见习修女

-nov- Nov=new,表示“新的”novice n. 新手(now+ice 表示人)
novice 出现在下面的课文中
Lesson 46 Do it yourself novice 名词: 新手
nov(新) + ice(人) → 新手