
/ni:dllakɪ/ 47
ending in a sharp point

adjective [原级]针状的

Needlelike as the leaves of pine; acerate.

The Pacific viperfish has jagged, needlelike teeth so outsized it can't close its mouth. 太平洋蝰鱼那锯齿状的针一样的牙齿是如此之大,以至于它不能合上自己的嘴巴。
A fir is an evergreen tree with needlelike leaves that grows especially in cold areas. 冷杉是一种针叶常绿树,尤在寒冷地区生长.
Abscission of the tightly rolled , needlelike tips of the injured leaves quite often occurred. 受毒害叶片经常出现针状的叶尖从蜷缩部分脱落下来.
Raphides Bunches of needlelike crystals of calcium oxalate found in certain plant cells. 针晶体:在一些植物细胞中发现的成束存在的草酸钙形成的针状晶体.
The evergreen tree symbolizes strength and perseverance and is characterized by needlelike leaves. 常青树象征力量和坚持,且以针叶为特征.