
/lʌl/📚 16870 96 1托福雅思
A lull is a period of quiet or calm in a longer period of activity or excitement. 间歇期

verb [vt. 及物动词]使安静,使昏昏欲睡;使(人)放松警惕,哄骗;(使)减弱,平息,停止

If you are lulled into feeling safe, someone or something causes you to feel safe at a time when you are not safe.
蒙蔽; 误导

noun [抽象名词]间歇,暂时平静;低谷期

There was a lull in political violence after the election of the current president.

lull 出现在下面的课文中
Lesson 44 Speed and comfort lull 动词: 催人欲睡