/ˈlɪndən/ 21A linden or a linden tree is a large tree with pale green leaves which is often planted in parks in towns and cities. 椴树
noun [专属名词]椴;菩提树
Dennis Linden didn't think so.
noun [专属名词](Linden)人名;(英、德、罗、瑞典、荷、挪)林登
I'm going to Linden Street. Can you tell me when to get off?
我去林登街. 你能提醒我到站下车 吗 ?
adjective [原级]椴科植物的
Trees are pine, oak , linden, birch, Yang, mulberry and so on a hundred kinds.
林木有油松 、 柞、椴 、 桦 、 杨 、 桑等百余种.