
/ɪnˈvetərət/ 77GREsat
If you describe someone as, for example, an inveterate liar or smoker, you mean that they have lied or smoked for a long time and are not likely to stop doing it. 根深蒂固的

adjective [原级]根深的;积习的;成癖的

She was an inveterate experimenter in these things.


-ate ⌜ 表示使成为或具有某种特性的 - indicating to make or become ~ ⌟
inveterate 出现在下面的课文中
Lesson 50 New Year resolutions inveterate 形容词: 根深蒂固的
in (进入) + veter (老) + ate → 年轻时的想法到老了都没变 → 积习的

adj. 根深蒂固的,积习难改的

指人an inveterate smoker / drinker / gambler / liar If we remain inveterate smokers, it is only because we have so often experienced the frustration that results from failure.
指物inveterate hatred / prejudice / distrust Hatred is inveterate anger. —— M. T. Cicero

deep-seated / deep-rooted “根深蒂固的”(多指事物,不一定指坏事)

  • a deep-seated / deep-rooted bad habit / faith in god 

die hard 积习难改(死起来很困难)

  • Old habits die hard.