
/ɪˈmiːdiətli/📚 1145 220 4四级六级托福中考高考
If something happens immediately, it happens without any delay. 立即地

adverb [频率副词]立即,马上;紧接地,紧靠地;直接地

If something is immediately obvious, it can be seen or understood without any delay.
即刻地 •  The cause of the accident was not immediately apparent.  这次事故的起因并非即刻可明。

conjunction [从属连词]<英>一…就

He grabbed a pencil, and the lead immediately broke.

immediately 出现在下面的课文中
Lesson 125&126 Tea for two immediately 副词: 立即
Lesson 11 One good turn deserves another immediately 副词: 立刻
Lesson 18 He often does this!
Lesson 38 Everything except the weather
Lesson 53 Hot snake
Lesson 59 In or out?
Lesson 92 Asking for trouble
im(无)+medi(中间)+ate+ly→没有间隔, 十分迅速→立即
He immediately flung himself to the floor. 他立即扑倒在地。
The pain immediately eased. 疼痛立刻减轻了。
The man immediately responsible for this misery is the province's governor. 对这次惨剧负直接责任的人是该省省长。