/ˈhætʃɪŋ/ 61高考四级六级考研雅思托福GREgmatA hatch is an opening in the deck of a ship, through which people or cargo can go. You can also refer to the door of this opening as a hatch. 舱口; 舱口盖
noun [专属名词][禽]孵化;剖面线;画影线
Have you been hatching up a deal with her?
verb [vt. 及物动词][禽]孵化;给……加影线;策划(hatch 的 ing 形式)
This drift has been studied extensively in many animals and in biological activities ranging from the hatching of fruit fly eggs to wheel running by squirrels.
adjective [原级]孵化的
He was still alive and hatching his conspiracies.