

/fʊl/📚 6618 180 5中考高考
If something is full, it contains as much of a substance or as many objects as it can. 装满的

adjective [原级]满的,满是…的;饱的;最大量的;完整的,详尽的;足足的;圆润的,浓郁的;充实的;正式的;宽松的;丰满的;(书面装订材料)用于全书面装订的;(头发)过肩的,披肩的

If a place or thing is full of things or people, it contains a large number of them.

adverb [程度副词]充分地,完全地;恰好,直接地;非常,极其

You use full to emphasize the force or directness with which someone or something is hit or looked at.
径直地 •  She kissed him full on the mouth.  她嘴正对嘴地吻了他。

verb [vt. 及物动词]装满,使充满;把(织物)打多褶(或大褶)以使(衣服)宽松;<美>(月)变圆,(潮)涨;使(布料)缩呢(或缩绒、毡化)

(of cloth, yarn, etc) to become or to make (cloth, yarn, etc) heavier and more compact during manufacture through shrinking and beating or pressing

full 出现在下面的课文中
Lesson 21&22 Which book? full 形容词: 满的
Lesson 105&106 Full of mistakes
Episode 16 Full of Surprises ACT I
Episode 16 Full of Surprises ACT II
Episode 16 Full of Surprises ACT III
Lesson 7 Too late
Lesson 27 A wet night
Lesson 35 Stop thief!
Lesson 48 Did you want to tell me something?
Lesson 3 An unknown goddess