/'dauizəm/ 34philosophical system developed by of Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu advocating a simple honest life and noninterference with the course of natural events
noun [抽象名词]道教
Daoism is the science of how the universe works.
- 网友用“Daoism”造句精选
- Daoism is actually the science of how the universe works (and us included, since we are part of it). 道学实际上是研究万物运转的一门科学(我们也包括)。
- Daoism worship Lao Zi and admit to be the founder of Daoism. 道教崇拜老子,奉他为教祖.
- Others spread Daoist ideas through martial arts, such as Tai Chi, or medicine-two disciplines rooted in Daoism. 还有的修道者通过习练太极功夫和行医治病来传播道家思想——气功和医疗是两门根植于道家传统文化的艺术。
- Neo - Daoism must develop harmoniously with modern Neo - Confucianism and modern Daoism. 新道家当与现代新儒家和现代道教和谐相处、共同发展.
- Daoism emphasizes strongly the union of man and nature. 道教重视人与自然的和谐.
- Body in Daoism is regarded as the basis of all existence. 道教把身体视为一切的基础.
- His thought rooted in Confucianism and Daoism. 其思想源于儒家,也源于道家、道教,是儒道融合于一体的产物.
- Daoism is a doctrine of unity of complementation. 道学是互补统一学说.