
/krɔːl/📚 15445 86 2四级六级考研托福雅思
When you crawl, you move forward on your hands and knees.

verb [vt. 及物动词]爬行,匍匐前进;缓慢移动,缓慢行进;挤满,爬满;谄媚奉承,卑躬屈膝

When an insect crawls somewhere, it moves there quite slowly. 爬行

noun [具体名词]缓慢移动,徐行;爬泳,自由泳;(海边浅滩的鱼、龟等)围养池

The crawl is a kind of swimming stroke which you do lying on your front, swinging one arm over your head, and then the other arm. 自由泳
