/ˌsiː ˈiː/ 11abbreviation for Common Era or Christian era: used when referring to a year after the birth of Jesus Christ when the Christian calendar starts counting years
noun [专属名词]abbr. 公元(Common Era);土木工程师(civil engineer);土木工程(civil engineering);欧洲理事会(Council of Europe);化学工程师(chemical engineer);化学工程(chemical engineering);继续教育(continuing education)
The CC-CE combined amplifier has the nicer wide band magnifiable characteristic. 共集-共基组合放大电路具有更好的宽带放大特性。
noun [专属名词](化学元素)铈(Ce)
According to story by Procopius, Byzantine emperor Justinian obtained the first silkworm eggs in 552 CE. 根据普罗科匹厄斯的故事,拜占庭皇帝查士丁尼在公元552年得到了首批蚕卵。