Lesson 079&80 Carol’s shopping list 【单词列表】

shopping [ˈʃɔpiŋ] n. 购物

【搭】go shopping 去购物

   do some shopping 买东西

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A: Although shopping on line is easy, some steps are in need of attention.

B: Can you explain it in detail?



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list [list] n. 单子

【派】enlist 征募

【搭】waiting list 等候名单

   shopping list 购物清单

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A: Please give me the wine list.

B: OK. Here you are.

vegetable [ˈvedʒitəbl] n. 蔬菜

【派】vegetarian 素食主义者

【搭】green vegetables 绿色蔬菜

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A: What are its materials?

B: Chicken, vegetables and sauces.



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need [niːd] v. 需要

【派】needless 不必要的

【扩】require 需要  demand 需要,要求

【搭】be in need of 需要

   need to do something 需要做某事

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A: I need to apologize to you, Mr. Lin.

B: What do you mean?



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hope [həup] v. 希望

thing [θiŋ] n. 事情

money [ˈmʌni] n. 钱

Lesson 80 I must go to the...我必须去……

groceries [ˈɡrəusəriz] n. 食品杂货

fruit [fruːt] n. 水果

【派】fruitage 水果,果实

【扩】lemon 柠檬  mango 芒果

【搭】bear fruit 产生结果

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A: We have many kinds of fresh fruit. Do you want to buy some?

B: Yes. Give me a kilo of oranges.



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stationery [ˈsteiʃənəri] n. 文具

newsagent [ˈnjuːzˌeidʒənt] n. 报刊零售人

chemist [ˈkemist] n. 药剂师


🇬🇧/ˈʃɒpɪŋ/ 🇺🇸/ˈʃɑːpɪŋ/n. 购物
When you do the shopping, you go to the stores or shops and buy things. 购物

noun [抽象名词]购物;<英>从商店采买的东西 - When shall I do the shopping ?

verb [vi. 不及物动词]购物;逛商店;<英>(向警察等)告发(shop 的现在分词) - We do our shopping on Saturdays.

go shopping  去购物

a shopping mall  购物商场

window shopping 看橱窗(只看不买)

  •  I really enjoy window shopping.


/lɪst/n. 单子
A list of things such as names or addresses is a set of them which all belong to a particular category, written down one below the other. 清单

noun [具体名词]列表,清单;(船)倾侧;围栏;(织物的)镶边;<旧>渴望,喜好;(尤指按重要程度排列的)事物清单 - We are making a list of the top ten men we would not want to be married to.

verb [vi. 不及物动词]列清单,拟订清单;把…列入名单;(使)(公司)上市;标价;(船)倾斜;<旧>征召(士兵);<旧>想要,喜好 - We are making a list of the top ten men we would not want to be married to.

名单:a name list

购物清单:a shopping list


🇬🇧/ˈvedʒtəb(ə)l/ 🇺🇸/ˈvedʒtəb(ə)l/n. 蔬菜
Vegetables are plants such as cabbages, potatoes, and onions that you can cook and eat. 蔬菜

noun [具体名词]蔬菜;植物人;呆板懒散的人;植物 - The vegetable harvest is disastrously behind schedule.

adjective [原级]植物的 - Severe brain damage turned him into a vegetable.

need *

/niːd/v. 需要
If you need something, or need to do something, you cannot successfully achieve what you want or live properly without it. 需要

verb [vi. 不及物动词]需要;(表示应该或不得不做)有必要;<古>需要 - If an object or place needs something done to it, that action should be done to improve the object or place.

noun [抽象名词]需要,必须; 特别需要,迫切要求;需要的事物,欲望;(食物、钱或生活来源的)短缺,缺乏 - Charles has never felt the need to compete with anyone.

hope *

🇬🇧/həʊp/ 🇺🇸/hoʊp/v. 希望
If you hope that something is true, or if you hope for something, you want it to be true or to happen, and you usually believe that it is possible or likely. 希望

verb [vi. 不及物动词]希望 - Things aren't ideal, but that's the best you can hope for.

noun [抽象名词]希望;期盼的东西,盼望的事;(发生好事的)可能性;被寄予希望的人(或物);<古>信赖感 - You're not trying to see him, I hope?


/θɪŋ/n. 事情
You can use thing to refer to any object, feature, or event when you cannot, need not, or do not want to refer to it more precisely. (不具体指称的) 东西; 事情

noun [具体名词]东西,物;(无生命的)物体,物件;个人物品,衣物(things);器具,用品(things);事情,事件;行为,活动;想法,观点;情况,形势(things);(用于强调)任何事情,每件事;…之类的东西,特定的事物;需要的东西,适合的东西;(某人喜欢或擅长的)事情;事实(东西、想法、事件等)本身 - Whoever heard of such a thing!

money *

/ˈmʌni/n. 钱
Money is the coins or bank notes that you use to buy things, or the sum that you have in a bank account. 钱

noun [专属名词]钱,钞票,货币;财产,财富;款项,金额;工资,薪金 - Players should be allowed to earn money from advertising.


🇬🇧/ˈɡrəʊsəriz/ 🇺🇸/ˈɡroʊsəriz/n. 食品杂货
merchandise, esp foodstuffs, sold by a grocer 食品杂货店

noun [集合/集体]杂货;食品;生活用品 - The stores are sometimes sold out of certain groceries.


/fruːt/n. 水果
Fruit or a fruit is something which grows on a tree or bush and which contains seeds or a pit covered by a substance that you can eat. 水果

noun [集合/集体]水果;(植物的)果实;成果,结果,后果;(自然的)产物,物产;<古>子孙,后代;<美,非正式>男同性恋者 - The fruit are small and round.

verb [vi. 不及物动词](使)结果实 - The trees were dripping with fruit.


🇬🇧/ˈsteɪʃənri/ 🇺🇸/ˈsteɪʃəneri/n. 文具
Stationery is paper, envelopes, and other materials or equipment used for writing. 文具

noun [专属名词]信笺;文具 - The stationery order has arrived.


🇬🇧/ˈnjuːzeɪdʒənt/ 🇺🇸/ˈnuːzeɪdʒənt/n. 报刊零售人
a shopkeeper who sells newspapers, stationery, etc 报刊亭的售货员

noun [专属名词]报刊经销商 - Who's the most dependable newsagent?


/ˈkemɪst/n. 化剂师,化学家
A chemist is a person who does research connected with chemistry or who studies chemistry. 化学家

noun [专属名词]化学家;<英>药剂师;<英>药店,药房 - She worked as a research chemist.