Lesson 66 Sweet as honey! 【单词列表】

Lancaster [ˈlæŋkəstə] n. 兰开斯特

bomber [ˈbɔmə] n. 轰炸机

remote [riˈməut] adj. 偏僻的

【派】remotely 远距离地

【扩】outlying 偏僻的

【搭】remote control 遥控器

* * *

A: They lived in a remote mountain village.

B: Is it convenient for us to get there?



* * *

Pacific [pəˈsifik] n. 太平洋

damage [ˈdæmidʒ] v. 毁坏

wreck [rek] n. 残骸

* * *

A: Have they found the wreck?

B: I don't know. It wasn't reported in today's news.



* * *

rediscover [riːdisˈkʌvə] v. 重新发现

aerial [ˈeəriəl] adj. 航空的

survey [ˈsəːvei] n. 调查

* * *

A: This is the market survey report.

B: Thank you. I will look it through。



* * *

rescue [ˈreskjuː] v. 营救

【扩】salvage 抢救

* * *

A: In order to rescue his friend, he made a perfect plan.

B: Did he succeed?



* * *

package [ˈpækidʒ] v. 把……打包

enthusiast [inˈθjuːziæst] n. 热心人

restore [riˈstɔː] v. 修复

imagine [iˈmædʒin] v. 想象

【派】imaginary 想象中的

【扩】ideate 想象

* * *

A: Can you imagine they went swimming in the river almost every week in winter?

B: You must be kidding.



* * *

packing case [ˈpækiŋ-keis] 包装箱

colony [ˈkɔləni] n. 群

* * *

A: A large colony of ants is searching for food under the tree.

B: They often do things together, right?



* * *

bee [biː] n. 蜂

hive [haiv] n. 蜂房

preserve [priˈzəːv] v. 保护

【派】preserved 保存的

* * *

A: We should preserve the environment around us.

B: You can say that again.



* * *

beeswax [ˈbiːzwæks] n. 蜂蜡



🇬🇧/ˈlæŋkəstə(r)/ 🇺🇸/ˈlæŋkæstər/n. 兰开斯特
兰喀斯特式(飞)机,兰开斯特(美国 Pennsylvania 东南部一城市,英格兰 Lancashire 的首府 =Lancashire 兰开夏郡)

noun [专属名词]兰卡斯特 - I then went up to Lancaster University and got an upper second.


🇬🇧/ˈbɒmə(r)/ 🇺🇸/ˈbɑːmər/n. 轰炸机
Bombers are people who cause bombs to explode in public places. 在公共场所引爆炸弹者

noun [专属名词]轰炸机;投弹手 - Bombers are people who cause bombs to explode in public places.


🇬🇧/rɪˈməʊt/ 🇺🇸/rɪˈmoʊt/adj. 偏僻的
Remote areas are far away from cities and places where most people live, and are therefore difficult to get to. 边远的; 偏僻的

adjective [原级]边远的,偏僻的;(距离或空间上)遥远的;(时间上)久远的;(机会或可能性)渺茫的;差别很大的,很不相同的;不友好的,冷漠的;远亲关系的;(电子设备)遥控的;(计算机)远程的,远程连接的 - Landslides have cut off many villages in remote areas.

noun [专属名词]遥控装置,遥控器 - He flipped through the channels with the remote.


/pəˈsɪfɪk/n. 太平洋
A pacific person, country, or course of action is peaceful or has the aim of bringing about peace. 温和的

noun [专属名词]太平洋 - Her passage across the Pacific was uneventful.

adjective [原级]太平洋的 - The Liberals were traditionally seen as the more pacific party.


/ˈdæmɪdʒ/v. 毁坏
To damage an object means to break it, spoil it physically, or stop it from working properly. 破坏; 损坏

noun [抽象名词](有形的)损坏,损失;损害,伤害;损害赔偿金;费用,代价 - Let's take a look at the damage.

verb [vt. 及物动词]损坏,损害;对…造成坏影响 - The damage was slight.

wreck *

/rek/n. 残骸
To wreck something means to completely destroy or ruin it. 摧毁

verb [vt. 及物动词]破坏,断送(计划、关系等);(严重)破坏,毁坏(车辆或建筑物);造成(船舶)失事,使遇难;<史>毁船打劫;<美>(为获取有用的零件、碎料而)拆,拆除(破汽车、旧建筑物等);营救失事船只;失事 - He wrecked the garden.

noun [专属名词]沉船,遇难船;遭到严重破坏的东西(尤指建筑物、车辆);健康(或精神)严重受损的人;(船舶的)失事,遇难,交通事故;杂乱的地方;<法律>(船舶失事后被冲上岸的)残货,沉船漂浮物 - A wreck is something such as a ship, car, plane, or building that has been destroyed, usually in an accident. (


🇬🇧/ˌriːdɪˈskʌvə(r)/ 🇺🇸/ˌriːdɪˈskʌvər/v. 重新发现
If you rediscover something good or valuable that you had forgotten or lost, you become aware of it again or find it again. 重新发现

verb [vt. 及物动词]重新发现;再发现 - If we can rediscover the values of hands-on experience and craftwork, Smith says, we can marry the best of our modern insights with the handiness of our ancestors.


🇬🇧/ˈeəriəl/ 🇺🇸/ˈeriəl/adj. 航空的
You talk about aerial attacks and aerial photographs to indicate that people or things on the ground are attacked or photographed by people in aeroplanes. 从空中的 (袭击等)

noun [具体名词]天线;(滑雪等运动的)空中腾越 - The aerial doesn't look very secure to me.

adjective [原级]航空的,从飞机上的;空中的,地表以上的;由飞机实施的;(植物的某部分)气生的;在空中翱翔的;(在)大气(中)的 - Weeks of aerial bombardment had destroyed factories and motorways.


🇬🇧/ˈsɜːveɪ/ 🇺🇸/ˈsɜːrveɪ/n. 调查
If you carry out a survey, you try to find out detailed information about a lot of different people or things, usually by asking people a series of questions. 调查

noun [专属名词]民意调查,民意测验;考察,调查;(对课题或情况的)全面考察,概述;测量,勘测;测绘图,勘测记录;测量部门;<英> (尤指为欲购房者所做的)房屋鉴定;查勘报告 - The survey has a margin of error of 2.5%.

verb [vt. 及物动词]做民意测验,做民意调查;(尤指认真地)审视,检查;测量,勘测;<英> (尤指为可能的买家)查勘,检视(建筑物的状况);全面评述,概述 - Business Development Advisers surveyed 211 companies for the report.


/ˈreskjuː/v. 营救(=save)
If you rescue someone, you get them out of a dangerous or unpleasant situation. 营救

verb [vt. 及物动词]营救,援救;拯救,挽救(生意等);<非正式>防止…丢失(或遭丢弃),取回 - Helicopters rescued nearly 20 people from the roof of the burning building.

noun [专属名词]营救,救援;营救行动 - It took rescuers 90 minutes to reach the trapped men.

package *

/ˈpækɪdʒ/v. 把……打包
A package is something wrapped in paper, in a bag or large envelope, or in a box, usually so that it can be sent to someone by mail. 包裹

noun [具体名词]包裹;<美>(包装食物等的)盒,包;(建议或提供的想法或服务的)一套,一揽子;包价(旅游);成套出售的东西,套餐;软件包 - I tore open the package.

verb [vt. 及物动词]把…打包,把…装箱(以便出售);包装(产品或想法等);配套销售(商品);承揽图书(尤指插图多的图书)的约稿和印制并整体打包出售给出版商 - The beans are then ground and packaged for sale as ground coffee.

① v. 把……打成大包

pack n. 小包;v. 把……打成小包

  • Pack it for me.
  • Wrap it up for me.

② n. 大包

  • package deal 一揽子交易,一揽子交易中的条款


🇬🇧/ɪnˈθjuːziæst/ 🇺🇸/ɪnˈθuːziæst/n. 热心人
An enthusiast is a person who is very interested in a particular activity or subject and who spends a lot of time on it. 爱好者

noun [专属名词]热衷者,爱好者;热烈支持者,热情赞成者;<古>基督教狂热分子 - The exhibition is interesting to both the enthusiast and the casual visitor.

restore *

🇬🇧/rɪˈstɔː(r)/ 🇺🇸/rɪˈstɔːr/v. 修复(修并且复原,如对艺术品的修复)
To restore a situation or practice means to cause it to exist again. 恢复

verb [vt. 及物动词]恢复(某种情况或感受);使复原,使复位;修复,整修;重新采用,恢复使用;归还 - To restore someone or something to a previous condition or place means to cause them to be in that condition or place once again.

imagine *

/ɪˈmædʒɪn/v. 想像
If you imagine something, you think about it and your mind forms a picture or idea of it. 想像

verb [vt. 及物动词]想象,设想;料想,认为;误以为,胡乱猜想 - If you imagine something, you think that you have seen, heard, or experienced that thing, although actually you have not.

① vt. 想像

  • Imagine it. 想象一下吧! (口语)

② vt. 料想,猜想

  • imagine doing sth. 想象……
  • imagine that + 从句 想象……
  • I imagine you’re like to rest after your long journey.

packing case

/ˈpækɪŋ keɪs/n. 包装箱
a large crate in which goods are packed for shipment or storage.A packing case is the same as a . 同packing crate

noun [具体名词]装运箱:一种用于装运包装或散装货物的木质箱子,也可以指填料箱。 - Frank gently lifted the crockery out of the box and suddenly noticed a miniature painting at the bottom of the packing - case.


🇬🇧/ˈkɒləni/ 🇺🇸/ˈkɑːləni/n. 群
A colony is a country which is controlled by a more powerful country. 殖民地

noun [专属名词]殖民地;殖民团,移民队;聚集人群,聚居地(区);群体,群落;(统称)英属殖民地;(美国独立前的)北美十三州 - Different animals in the colony had different manifestations of the disease.

colony n. 殖民地,侨民,(聚居的)一群同业,一批同行,(生物)群体

  • a colony of ants 一群蚂蚁
  • a colony of bees 一群蜜蜂;
  • a colony of artists 一群艺术家

a flock of goats 羊群

a herd of cows 一群奶牛

a crowd of 一群(用于人)


/biː/n. 蜂
A bee is an insect with a yellow-and-black striped body that makes a buzzing noise as it flies. Bees make honey, and can sting. 蜜蜂

noun [专属名词]蜜蜂;<美>聚会,联谊赛;工作忙碌的人(busy bee) - The flower opens to reveal a bee.


/haɪv/n. 蜂房
A hive is a structure in which bees are kept, which is designed so that the beekeeper can collect the honey that they produce. 蜂箱

noun [集合/集体]忙碌的场所,繁忙的地方;蜂房,蜂箱;蜂群;蜂窝状物体 - A dark cloud of bees comes swarming out of the hive.

verb [vi. 不及物动词](蜜蜂)入蜂箱 - Tapping on the hive excited the bees.

preserve *

🇬🇧/prɪˈzɜːv/ 🇺🇸/prɪˈzɜːrv/v. 保护
If you preserve a situation or condition, you make sure that it remains as it is, and does not change or end. 维护

verb [vt. 及物动词]保护,维护;保持,维持;腌制,保存(食物);禁止他人捕猎 - If you preserve something, you take action to save it or protect it from damage or decay.

noun [抽象名词]果酱,腌菜;(某人或某个团体的)专属领域,独有活动;动物保护区,外人禁入的猎地 - If you say that a job or activity is the preserve of a particular person or group of people, you mean that they are the only ones who take part in it.

preserved bean curd 豆腐乳 (bean curd 豆腐)

  • preserved fruit 果脯
  • preserved meat 腊肉
  • preserved fish 腊鱼
  • smoked fish 熏鱼

keep v. 保存,保持

  • Can I keep your photo? 我能保存你的照片吗?
  • How long can I keep it?
  • Can I keep it for you?

Store v. 储存,保存(以便日后使用)

  • store the cabbage


/ˈbiːzwæks/n. 蜂蜡
Beeswax is wax that is made by bees and used especially for making candles and furniture polish. 蜂蜡

noun [专属名词]蜂蜡,黄蜡;(非正式)关心的事 - Beeswax acts as an emulsifying agent.

verb [vt. 及物动词]涂蜜蜡,给…打蜡上光 - Can beeswax be used in cosmetic?